Bluest skies.
Two planes
Slowly merging.
Chemtrail clouds
Of dead
Air, falling
Apart. Coming
Together. Gull
Sounds, screeching.
Calling, of
Home. Of
The blue.
Cross forms,
Imperfect angle
Yet sublimely
Present against
The blue.
Mimicry of
Clouds. A
Bite of
My toast,
I am
Lost now
In these
Feelings. The
Buzzing. The
Chirping. The
Whirring. The
Distant engines
Grating away
At this
Blue. This
Cool morning
Air, so
Pure. So
Missed. More
Missed in
Winter than
You'd imagine.
A sip
Of bitter
Coffee, a
Pander, and
The lines
Are gone.
People on
Their own
Way. But
Another plane
Whirrs still.
More trajectories
Are to
Be made
Within this
Endless blue.