Written based on the prompt "A memory of sunlight" for our PGCE writing group.
There is night, the light, and the half light;
half the light of the sun in its last fight, against
the darkness the birds flee home in narrow fright, an
arrow of flight flying down onto the plane of the night.
Come, feel the ground, a chilling plain of wizened
tundra. Above, all around, lilac skies like the haze of thunder
pierce above, below, back, behind, to-and-fro,
a phase, a moment, an instant; fearsome, but the
blaze of this light, its crack, its glow, entrances me
for a second before it flashes past and goes,
and we go further and further into the invisible maze of
the dark. Darkness visible, divisible, as the sunlight
leaves its woes. And there is night.