I have been thinking for a while about the direction to take this blog in.
It's not that I've fallen out of love with cycling. If anything, the fact that I have less time to cycle makes cycling feel more worthwhile, cementing it as my form of escapism and fun; the two real reasons why I ride. Sure, racing and training is a big drive for me- and one which I am glad to be doing unexpectedly well in at the moment- but throughout my years of cycling the one underlying constant has been doing it for fun, regardless of my fitness, results or commitment.
That said, writing about cycling is not really of interest to me anymore. I feel that there's only so much that can be said about the sport and that too many people are discussing it right now. My social media feeds are flooded with videos, podcasts and articles deliberating over the smallest details; 'do this one trick to fuel properly', 'why this is faster', 'you should be doing this'. It's mundane and doesn't really matter in the big scheme of things. Not to mention the fact that so much of the information is contradictory and is made with the aim of gaining views and brand recognition. This is why I stopped reading cycling magazines and watching videos about the sport.
In some ways, it's also like the essays I wrote at Uni. The more passionate I am about a topic, text, film or idea, the less I feel I can do it justice in writing. Cycling is such a multifaceted sport, but so simple in its overall essence, and I don't think that words can do it justice really. A lot of the best art speaks for itself- and cycling is the same. I might still try to write about it here and there, but I don't want to be held back under the guise of a cycling specific blog.
Also, on the note of University, I'm not going to be here forever, nor would I want to be! In fact, some of my favourite parts of this year have been outside of Uni, on school placement and in the wider world. So this blog can't fundamentally continue as 'Uni-Cycle' forever anyway!
But that's life; it's cyclical. It requires change to keep it moving and to keep it interesting. And so that's what I'm naming my blog from now on.
My aim for this new project is currently unclear to me, but you can expect more general articles, interviews, projects, photo galleries and random bits and bobs to be posted as I find my way through it. But this element of 'finding my way' will be fun to me (well, I think and hope so...).
So I will keep on posting my ramblings here into the void. If you're reading this, then thanks! If you won't read on, then that's fine too. Just posting my ideas and work up here gives me a sense of joy regardless of who this blog reaches.
Let's start a new cycle.